Nagual Forums - RULES and Guidelines - Printable Version

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Nagual Forums - RULES and Guidelines - Sorcery - 07-10-2017

Nagual Forums - RULES and Guidelines

The Nagual Forums are public forums devoted to discussion and sharing of members' sorceric/shamanic/toltec/nagual paths' experiences and knowledge. The path with heart is a personal and magical path that we each experience differently and this forum provides one with the unique opportunity to listen and learn from others as well as exchange ideas gathered through our journeys. In order to make this site accessible and user-friendly for everyone, a few rules and guidelines are to be followed at all times.

The basic ground rules for discussions on sorcery.yuku.com, or as it is now: www.tapatalk.com/groups/sorcery, are simple: be polite, use common sense, don't break the law and don't post any advertising messages without the consent of the administration (to be asked for and acquired before posting).

Be polite and on topic:
Conversation is most important for good user experience at this site; we ask that all contributions are expressed in a polite, non-judgemental manner. We value diverse opinions and experiences, if expressed politely, but we ask that posts keep to the topic under discussion in the particular threads (and sections of the site).

Off-topic posts can be removed or moved to other sections of the site or made into separate threads that can explore those points. Spam will be removed.

Do not “flame” on the discussion board. Flaming is the act of responding in a highly critical, sarcastic, or ridiculing manner - especially if done on a personal level. Remember that these discussions are meant for constructive exchanges and learning.

Be appropriate:
Bear in mind that the biggest part of this site is public, meaning your text, pictures, videos etc. will be available to anyone with an internet connection, even children, therefore please share appropriate content (especially what concerns images and videos, because those are most visible and attention catching, visible at first glance).

Appropriate font & style of writing:
Use normal/average sized font, color and style. Do not over capitalize - surely do not write in all caps. Do not over highlight.

All of these take the attention of the reader. What more, capitalizing gives the impression that you are shouting. You can use other means to distinguish the important word from the rest of the text, such as italics, bold, or asterisks surrounding the word you want to foreground.
Please do not make your post long or larger by using a large number of empty lines/spaces.

(Appropriateness, as expressed in the two points above, is applicable to thread names, the subject of the post, body of the post, signature and even username and avatar. Additionally, a signature is not meant to be more attention grabbing than the post, nor is it supposed to be longer. Please do not use links or videos in your signatures and also attention catching colors/style)

Remember that large images or high-resolution photos will disrupt the size of the page and will slow down all users' experiences. Over-sized images may be deleted.
Embedding a video also slows down the loading of a thread, be aware that when you embed that you may be making someone else's browsing experience less smooth.

Discussion flow:
Before posting to a discussion board, you should read prior messages to get a sense of the flow, style and language (not to mention topic) of the discussion.

Stick to the topic; if you wish to pursue an unrelated idea make another thread for it (in the appropriate section) or move it to private communication so that others don't spend time on non-essential topics for that thread.

Please use the edit function that is available everywhere for at least an hour after you post and do not make many short posts in close succession, they take up unnecessary space and disrupt/disturb the discussion flow (make it harder for readers, too little on too much space a lot of scrolling, blunting/dispersing focus/awareness etc). Put your thoughts into one post, an afterthought can be added in a second post if needed, but please do not make more than 2 posts in close succession, or, if you do, notify moderators to edit the posts into one (notification/request is to be posted in the Admin/Mod Log and related Organizational Stuff found in the Support Forum).

Because the edit and delete options on the majority of the site will disappear after an hour you will not have the option to edit your posts after that, therefore, make sure you are hitting "Post" when you are ready.
Useful tips: The "Preview" button is useful so you can see how your post will look after it is posted and it is a good idea to make use of it before posting to re-read your post. And it is a good idea to copy the text of your post into your clipboard (highlight the whole body of the text and click Ctrl+C) so that in case your internet connection falters or tapatalk has a screw up you will not have lost your post (if you're using a smart browser you can try to get the post back by clicking the 'back' browser button)

When quoting another person, edit out/delete what is not directly relevant to your reply and quote the comment to which you are replying. Do not quote the entire body of a message you are replying to when it is not necessary... This not only helps the reader know what you are replying to, but also helps him or her save time by not having to go over a long post.
(However, if you are replying to a user who is notorious for deleting their posts later you can quote their posts to escape the resulting hole in the thread and help later readers know what the discussion was about and what you are replying to.)

Tone and Courtesy in Writing:

The "tone" is a very important part of electronic communication. When you read your message, does it sound the way you would speak to a person in your 'offline' life?
   • Humor can be difficult to convey in text, so make sure everyone realizes when you are trying to be funny. It is easy for messages to be misinterpreted since there are no physical gestures or voice inflections that accompany the text.

   • Think through and re-read your comments before you post them.
   • Be polite. Refrain from inappropriate language and derogatory or personal attacks.
   • Disagree with ideas, but avoid challenges that may be interpreted as a personal attack.
   • Be open to being challenged or confronted on your ideas or prejudices.
   • Challenge others with the intent of facilitating growth. Do not demean, harass or embarrass others.
The site administration may modify your posts if you posted profane or defamatory comments. We may also delete posts or ban users if community guidelines are breached.
While we have no obligation to delete comments that the community may find offensive, we have an active interest in having the community report back to us anything that members find objectionable. Therefore, if you find anything of such nature on our website please inform the administration in a pm or in the Support Forum's Admin/Mod Log.
Anything obscene, too sexually explicit, hateful, illegal, threatening, humiliating, libelous, defamatory, or objectionable (in our opinion) will /may be taken down.

We don't intend to censor messages based on the opinions expressed within posts, but we will enforce the policies outlined here. We reserve the right to remove, modify or move posts at our discretion and without explanation, although explanations are usually to be found in the Admin/Mod Log thread, found in the Support Forum of this site.

Any abuse towards our staff and/or management in any form may result in a permanent ban. Moderators and Administrators are visible by their nickname having a different color. The current list of moderators is found in the "NAGUAL FORUMS - Introduction" thread.

By using this website, you agree to be contacted by site administration, when it becomes necessary to do so regarding your account activity. If you have disabled the reception of personal messages in your yuku account settings you may not be contacted and you thus voluntarily relinquish this option and the administration proceeds to the next step as if they had contacted you without your reply.
Either way, it is the goodwill of the Sorcery Team that we attempt to contact you in private, it is your responsibility to keep yourself informed of the current rules and guidelines and to follow them.

Changes made to the site are logged in the Admin/Mod Log and related Organizational Stuff, so if you are interested in what new gadgets and changes are happening around here keep yourself informed by reading about it there and/or in another thread in the Support Section (it could happen that you might object to an easily reversible change but have not noticed it for weeks just because you have not read the Admin/Mod log).

Note:We reserve the right to modify and amend these rules and guidelines at any time without special notice (whenever this thread is edited or when a new post is added you will see the 'New' sign light up). It is your responsibility to remain informed of current policies.

Note 2: Be aware that tapatalk stores your IP address information and keeps it for a long time (I don't know how long). And that in many places of this site there is no delete. In general, whatever you post here is here to stay. It is up to us, the people taking care of this place, whether we decide to keep something or delete something. Bear in mind that this is the internet... and in the public part of the site it is public, use your common sense to post. We delete private information on request, if needed. But we are in no way obliged to do this - it is not part of our job description, we do it out of the goodness of our heart when we have time. Once you post something it is not yours any more to do with as you like. Be aware of this before you post.

Make sure you understand the rules and guidelines. If there are any rules or policies you do not understand or if you have good suggestions for our consideration, please contact us by pm or let us know your question or suggestions in Nagual Forums - Support Section.

We wish you a pleasant journey and a rewarding experience at our site..

P.S. Yuku Terms of Conduct, user terms and conditions, can be found here and in a simplified form here. Those are outdated now, since we moved to tapatalk, I suggest you find tapatalk equivalents and read those. Members should familiarize themselves with these as well...

Nagual Forums - RULES and Guidelines - Sorcery - 07-10-2017

Sock Puppets Policy:
Accounts identified as sock puppets will be banned. It is your responsibility to inform us if your account might be falsely identified as a sock puppet.

If you are changing to another active account you should inform us before/as you do this, or else your new identity account might be banned... Either way, you can only use one account at this site.

Additionally, if you share your computer or internet access with another person who is (already) posting here (or wants to post here in the future) it is your responsibility to inform us of this. If you do not do this then one of these accounts might be falsely identified as being a sock puppet and you will be banned. Please keep in mind that you should not share your account details with another person, and should not let another person use your account. Nor should you use another person's account to post (I think this is also in the yuku rules that I linked above).

Nagual Forums - RULES and Guidelines - Sorcery - 07-10-2017

We advise all our members who want to post on our site to carefully read and adhere to the Rules and Guidelines posted in this thread. They outline the conduct that is expected of every visitor here. Being impeccable with your words and actions should be something on every warrior's list of things to achieve, and this site is not going to do without this requirement. In heated moments it is wise to do more (self-)stalking and less talking Wink.

Nagual Forums - RULES and Guidelines - Guest - 08-21-2019