Getting the girl 101 - Printable Version

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Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-13-2017

Girls like it when.. girls love men who are... girls like me because.... girls are interested in... etc etc.. These are the intents we set all throughout our lives. These are the statements of intent that we voice all the time. Yet these lil energetic tidbits of yummyness can be controlled and fashioned directly for you. 

The world is intent, its energy, and the energy you put out there, is the energy you should be watching carefully. How did that fat guy manage to get that beautiful sexy girl? How does the nerd overcome all obstacles and reach out to grab up that supermodel? He KNOWS he can. He knows he WILL. He plays on his strengths. You dont say girls dont like me because.. Girls want the other guys... etc etc.. If you do you will be "willing out" this outcome. You say something better, for yourself. You control the outcome. 

I walk around lately saying positive things about  me over and over again. Sounds silly but the paycheck is great. I got girls wanting me, smiling and flirting wiith me. It wasnt always this way either. I used to have curses all over me. I was insecure, and said things like "no matter what I do I cant get a girl'. Can you imagine? "No matter how beautiful I am, no matter how strong I am, no matter how charming I am, powerfu etc I can not succeed." Lets just say I didnt get nay girls at all, except for this desperate fat sex addict once. It was hell too. 

These days I open my line with "Wow youa re so beautiful and I would love ot get to know you," Then ask a question about her. Girls love flattery. Who doesnt right? People are self-important and want to feel special. The more you point out just how special they are the more they will crave yoru special kind of attention. But thats not enough. You have to be genuine, and you have to mean it. You will project your energies right into her body and she will feel how beautiful she really is. You must look for the qualities you find most attractive and mean it from the heart. Sure empty lies will work, but its better to make her feel and see your loving energies. That way your words dont come across as weak and dull, but powerful and true. 

Girls want sex. Yet they dont want that to be it. They want more. They want a guy to be into them for more then jsut sex and their body. I knwo guys want mainly sex and so this is where you must be careful. You cant jump right into it and say you want to *** her and can you send me nudes and etc etc. Like most dumb guys. You must get the point across that you find her sexy and are interested in her that way, but not go over board. Then after the flattery and sweet talking you slip in the question "Hey can ask you a personal question? ABout sex? If its too soon and you dont wanna answer that is ok, but I am just wondering and want to get to know you  more".. If she says yes then you can hit her up with sexy sex talk and get her juices flowing. Once this happens and she will start thinking of you in a sexual way and be turned on by you. You got to open the door casually to sex tho in most cases. Once you do this you will turn her on and she will think of you that way and crave more of it. You lil slut. 

Ok more to come, but if you dont want my ideas just make up yoru own. Thats what it is all about right? WOmen like creativity and a leader. hehehehe. see?

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-13-2017

Unless you are the **** king, it wont ALWAYS work out. You will have failures but DO NOT let them effect your game. You cant say things like "women dont like it when you do what i did" etc etc. You must accept that you will lose and then reset yoru intent accordingly and do not insult yourself or take it to heart. You will succeed. Better luck next time. You must never put yourself down and make insecurity and thus negative output in your intents, and in your beliefs about yourself, and your confidence etc.  It is HER loss. Not yours. There are plenty of fish in the sea and you will find them.

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-13-2017

For some sorcerers the world is what you know it to be. Thus recap everything you know about women and reform these intents. The more you know a women's heart and body the better chance you have into their hearts and into their pants.

Getting the girl 101 - Pixie Dust - 08-17-2017

Lol Serloco.  I've been wanting to comment since I read this on the 12th, but needed to figure out what I wanted to say xP  I don't think I've gathered my thoughts well enough, but I'm still going to comment xD 

You're excellent at getting the girl.  Your style is to genuinely listen to the girl, provide thoughtful feedback, but most importantly (from my perspective) is that your actions are intended for her spirit/soul.  Your ideas and love do not reside in shallow water.  When you decide to entice a partner, you beckon their spirit and that's an entirely different come-hither motion.  You adapt to their AP and come at them from their alignment.  What a powerful hook technique too.  You care about things they care about, while you're caring for them.  You become an alternative version of their AP to encourage emotional communication to take place.  Your technique is somewhat varied from my approach, but we have different intent too, so that changes things. 

Your intent is for attraction.  My intent is for intimacy.  You achieve attraction by becoming similar to your target and then opening to support them emotionally (you go to them, lovingly).  I achieve intimacy with non-judgement and allow them to rest on me (I let them come to me).  We're achieving very similar outcomes but with different methods.  To me that is very interesting.  Your prompt of "Getting the Girl" helped me dissect the process of attraction Smile  what an interesting arrangement of ideas, thanks.

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-17-2017

Hehehe, I like to say I will feed your mind and soul first and then I will feed your ****!

Yes I do tend to go for attraction and love. Lately however all I have been feeling is intense love and lust in combination. However I do crave deep intimacy with my partner. I want to smother her in love and affections. I want to make her feel, deeply, like she is loved and cared for, special to me. It is working out quite well for me lately. 

You are welcome, I am glad you could get something from my piece. I very much enjoy our exchanges, as always.

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-18-2017

So you should see all the men around me doing what I do now. They all are full of flattery and sweet words and making the girls swoon. Damn I should keep my mouth shut now I have more competition!

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-18-2017

One of the things about getting the girl, is keeping the girl. Sex magic is the way to go here. Break her bed, and not her heart. I find that seeing, and making yoru partner see, is veetry good in bed. She can see your pleasure, yoru lust and yoru passion clearly. The nasty thoughts you have in bed while fucking her brains out can make her intensely hot for you. Also seeing is close on the border to experiencing. I often reach a plain where my partner can feel what I feel and I can feel what she feels. We share pleasure. 

Also I have learned a few other tricks as well, and seeing is being able to witness the act of a woman and man having an orgasm. Seeing her pleasure is a way to control that pleasure. Making your woman's orgasm prolonged and powerful is a way to keep her in bed with you and keep her coming back for more. Also seeing her pleasure can help you to induce orgasms. I often have used my attention to hook onto her pleasure and effectively 'pull' the orgasm out from hiding.

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-18-2017

Lesson - Keep it cumming

You gotta go down on your girl. If you dont you are a pusssy yourself. A woman wants you to get down there and treat her. And not just for a min but for a while. For me its the biggest turn on aside from love.

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-18-2017

Getting the girl 101 - Pixie Dust - 08-18-2017

Ha!  Your descriptions and expressions of "how to get the girl" sound corny, but the execution has been phenomenal.  That is certainly how you win a girl.  You have a heart of gold when you intend it and I've seen many intend it and never achieve it Smile  Humility and kindness have served you well, it seems.  Humans respond well to those.  I responded well to those.  I had every intention of leaving but then I heard your voice, your spirit through mixed media, and I couldn't leave such soul.  You gifted me with the only thing I want--and your expression of that into words is epic.  Some are skilled with words but lack true expression.  I don't care about fluffy words--I care that you're real and share an authentic soul.  What a message to the world.

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-18-2017

Thank you! Your sweetness is never lost on me. I am a sucker for it every time. Perhaps being genuine and sweet and loving is the way into my heart as well. I can be kind of feminine when it comes to the heart. I want what most women want. Something real. Like you I want authenticity. It makes me happy that you see my soul. I think we both have very beautiful ones.

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-18-2017

Maybe you could give me a lesson on intimacy and how to attain it.... from you.

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-18-2017

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-18-2017

Getting the girl 101 - Pixie Dust - 08-19-2017

It's amazing how well you know me.  This Incomplete video was one I saw and wanted to post... but you know when you're trying to communicate a message, I can't use everything I love (I love so much!).  I have to pick and select just the most concise media to express a message.  This one was my #2 video when I was making a post about the Power of Dance Smile  

You do that a lot.  You pick things I would've picked myself.  It's almost magical Smile I suppose you and I are what happens when two nerds find another.  A magical unison of spirit, science, and technology.  For me, it has been a unique and enjoyable experience to recognize that opposing fields of science can become seamlessly intimate.  It's inspirational to imagine what's possible.

Attaining intimacy is easy.  You've already done it.  Intimacy can occur between ideas, people, environments.  People share intimacy with one another through kinship, but particularly kindness.  I aim to build intimacy by being kind when I could be cruel.  From an outside perspective, my actions have been seen as cruel, at times, but malice has never been my intent.  Choosing to heal instead of hurt has been how I build intimacy.  Hearing the things that go unsaid happens when I listen with my heart instead of my mind.  The key has always been to trust in love.  In the fullest expressions of love, the key to the universe unfolds.  

The concept of love has been reduced to primitive desires and bonds--true love is allowing the self to be mesmerized by all life; by both angels and devils; by embracing cruelty to the same extent as we embrace compassion--to understand that everything came from somewhere and there's a reason for the way everything has become what it is now.  When we turn back the dials of time to understand the origins of a person, environment, or idea we come to understand them with a sort of foundational intimacy.  Foundational intimacy is unconditional love--and as we understand the journey that turned an angel into a devil, we feel compassion for that brutality the angel suffered to become a devil.  

When I hold a space for someone I remember that child--that angel--and I hold that.  Even as the devil turns my flesh into a river of blood, the strength I draw is from their other side, their angel.  I don't fight for me, I fight for them.  For the angel within the devils.  Smile  

That is how I build intimacy.

Yes, I can be a savage--and have been.  The strongest of souls have never been doormats.  When we have something worthwhile to protect, we shield it to ensure it survives.

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-19-2017

I sure wasn't kidding when I said you have a beautiful soul. I love how you look within the devil to find the angel and embrace those qualities. Very poetic. That is also what I do before going to battle as a last resort. I try to bring out the best in people. I think with just a lil unconditional love you can bring that out in anyone. Everyone wants to be loved and seeks love and I don't think there is one exception to that rule. 

Very cool about the incomplete video. It was such an expression of love and intimacy and desire that I just had to post it as a model. I knew you would love it. Smile You know we do think alike and have similar styles. One of the reasons I adore you is because we have a lot in common, I wonder just how much we do have in common. 

I can tell that you have strength in your soul. You also speak your mind and are not afraid to do so. I admire that quality. I would say however that some strong souls were once weak, and doormats themselves however their path into power has hardened them and forged their spirit. Sooner or later a damaged soul says "I have had enough!", picks up a sword and goes to battle, learning the art of battle along the way.

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-19-2017

You know I woke up this afternoon (had a late night) and woke up to yoru message and it was delightful! I could get used to waking up to you. *wink*

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-19-2017

Getting the girl 101 - Pixie Dust - 08-20-2017

Yeah, I agree.  When I said "the strongest souls have never been doormats" that was a little ambiguous.  Being a doormat is often how those strong souls are forged (as you point out).  Blacksmiths know that steel is forged from the fire, from being weakened at every moment of strength.  That process yields swords.  The path to freedom is paved with fire and pain--one could even mistake the path to freedom as a path to hell.  How very misleading Smile 

You and your many transformations have been inspiring to witness.  I'm finding this incarnation to be the most enjoyable by far Smile  Don't ever change your desire for continuous transformation xD  I hope you continue to be predictably unpredictable.

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-20-2017

Well thank you.. I am happy to bring you pleasure. I wish I could bring you more. I love how artistic your soul is. It screams beauty. THAT SONG!! OMFG. Yummy. I am so hard.

Getting the girl 101 - Pixie Dust - 08-20-2017

Lol. Yeah, that was a good song.

Jaymes Young has some AMAZING music! I'm addicted to his music, I feel your energy through his voice.

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-20-2017

Yeah, I made a lot of music with him. I was going to post black magic too for you!!! It seems you are absolutely correct in that we share similar tastes and styles. I never doubted you for a second! 

I feel so young lately. My sex drive is out of control. I voiced my intent to the iobs to help me increase my sex drive and performance to be able to have alien sex. I began getting lessons and they told me to voice some intents so I did. Today I have young girls hitting on me and women everywhere lusting over me exactly as I stated. I feel like I am a young God.

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-20-2017

Today I found an 18 year old sexy, and as soon as i did she spread her legs for me right there on the street! lol. 

Her energies tho aren't as sexy as yours. Your are incredibly appealing to most men. Its the power of that pusssy.

Getting the girl 101 - serloco - 08-20-2017

You know when I made this thread I kept thinking of you and intended for you to post here. I think my black magic has a hold on you!! Jump right into my loving, blissful energies!

Getting the girl 101 - Pixie Dust - 08-20-2017

Yeah.  I know what's up with you xP 

Yes, your black magic got me too.  Death dealers, love dealers, HAP dealers--we should've teamed up all those years ago.  Instead, we took this long road.  This scenic route turned out brighter than I imagined it could.  That was a pleasant surprise.

Welcome back to humanity goofball.  Go f*ck some **** up like the good old days.  Get those women to spread their legs for you.  You deserve it :0)